Mikaela Smith, ep 02

Asserting Yourself at Work: Overcoming Being Undervalued

Episode 2

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Unfortunately, many people put up with an exploitative and unhealthy workspace or coworkers when they don’t have to. Even still, it’s not always easy to identify the problem or resolve it. During this episode, we talk about standing up for yourself in the workplace.


Mikaela is just getting started in her career journey and she currently works as a Client Market Analyst for a bank. Prior to that, she started off doing Assistant Sales work and would eventually become a Client Manager.  When she transitioned from working in sales, she eventually went to pursue analytics where her interests truly lied. 

We centered this conversation of this podcast around Mikaela’s unique experience of encountering conflict at work.

58% of those who have left a job, left due to culture and claim that managers are the main reason they left. 

SHRM commissioned research on toxic workplace cultures and what happens to the employees who work in them

“Self-assertion isn’t always just saying ‘hey I didn’t do this’, [but, saying] if you’re not going to treat me with respect, I’m going to go. It ties in with self-respect.”

-Mikaela Smith

Mikaela had to stand up for herself in the workplace. She mentioned that her idea of a toxic work environment is one where bosses are screaming at you all the time, but she experienced subtleties (and insidiousness) at work that were similarly toxic.

Mikaela cautions to not ignore the warning signs. If you have a hard time trusting your gut, do a three times trial, but don’t minimize your observations.  “If you’re in a toxic situation, walk out of it. If you unknowingly walk into one, then be ready”.

During this episode, Mikaela shares her formula for how managers can considerately provide feedback to new and marginalized employees.

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